/悬疑/惊悚/恐怖/英语/Sheldon Wilson/劳伦·李·史密斯/艾拉·巴伦坦/彼得·穆尼/马丁·罗奇/Ilan O'Driscoll/Jonathan Potts/克里斯·霍尔登-里德/Vladimir Bondarenko/Mike Chow/高莉莉/Joanne Jansen/丹尼尔·卡什/马莎·利兹德克/小亚历克斯·马里亚里/Kathy Maloney
A struggling writer finds herself at the center of the story she is covering when brutally attacked by a notorious cult leader and mass murderer, a man who exerts an inex...
/悬疑/惊悚/恐怖/情色/犯罪/英语/Wolfgang Büld/Fiona Horsey/Paul Conway
Helen finds herself having intimacy problems with men. Her private parts are devouring all lovers and leaving her with an insatiable thirst for blood. In order to satisfy...
/悬疑/犯罪/奇幻//Samuel Haun/E.K. Spila/Melissa Cordero/Paul Kolker
Three detectives follow the trail of a copycat serial killer to an abandoned insane asylum, only to find they've been lured there by something far more sinister.
/悬疑/恐怖/英语/James Ersted/Dylan Nunez/Paul Parducci/Kira Omans/艾丽尔·哈德/Alain Mora/贝琪·贝克/妮可·安德鲁斯/Jenny Marie Mitchell/Liat Benezra/Ashley Whelan
With the help of a documentary film crew a young locksmith investigates his sister's disappearance only to discover the terrifying truth.
/悬疑/惊悚//Anna Elizabeth James/艾米·斯马特/比利·赞恩/马修·戴维斯/格里尔·格拉默/波利斯·麦戈法/吉勒·马里尼/杰伊·阿里/马西·弗伦/尼欧
/悬疑/西班牙语/Alex Sequera/Annie Calarasi/克里斯蒂安·卡诺瓦斯/Marc Folch/Toni Lozano/David Magaña/Tina Mason
Lost in a snowstorm, four friends were forced to abandon the fifth component of the group to their fate. A year later, he will regain his revenge.
Lost in Karst/悬疑//何金武/李振宇/郝明奇/龙泽治/杨薇
A moderator on an internet video-sharing platform stumbles across a potential snuff film ring hidden in the depths of the site’s content. Are these gruesome videos merel...
/悬疑/惊悚/恐怖/短片/奇幻//Andrew Schwarz/Lauren Dougherty/Ignacyo Matynia/Karen Sweeney
A man searching for his lost dog in the woods stumbles upon something very bizarre.
/悬疑/惊悚/恐怖/纪录片/英语/Markian Tarasiuk/Markian Tarasiuk/Jay Hindle/Christine Willes/Miranda MacDougall/Alec Willows/Joe Costa/Bernard Cuffling/Trevor Carroll/Danielle Klaudt/Ryan Alexander McDonald/Sebastian Kroon/Chris Cochrane/Susinn McFarlen/Olivia Hutt/Mitchell Reimer/Tara Nichols/Gabriela Jones/Pamela Hamilton
/悬疑/惊悚/犯罪/英语/Jules East/Conner Floyd/Scot Cooper/Mimi Bommarito/Judy Cerda/Robert Fleet/Angelina Karo/Germaine Gaudet/David Hopmann/Evan Kaminsky
A Stanford psychiatry student returns to his hometown to practice as a hypnotherapist in the small river town.
/悬疑/短片//Philip Rabalais/Nate Logsdon
A man makes a series of increasingly desperate phone calls but can he ever know who's on the line?
嫌疑者的真相(台) / Faceless/悬疑/犯罪/日语/藤井道人/横滨流星/吉冈里帆/森本慎太郎/山田杏奈/山田孝之 Takayuki Yamada/前田公辉/田岛亮/远藤雄弥/宫崎优/森田甘路/西田尚美/山中崇/宇野祥平/骏河太郎/木野花/田中哲司/原日出子/松重丰
/悬疑/恐怖//Philip Rabalais/Ace Boothby/Joseph Mayfield/Dominic Rabalais
Two men are locked in a quiet struggle through life and into the beyond.