• 信徒


    /悬疑/惊悚/恐怖/英语/Sheldon Wilson/劳伦·李·史密斯/艾拉·巴伦坦/彼得·穆尼/马丁·罗奇/Ilan O'Driscoll/Jonathan Potts/克里斯·霍尔登-里德/Vladimir Bondarenko/Mike Chow/高莉莉/Joanne Jansen/丹尼尔·卡什/马莎·利兹德克/小亚历克斯·马里亚里/Kathy Maloney

    A struggling writer finds herself at the center of the story she is covering when brutally attacked by a notorious cult leader and mass murderer, a man who exerts an inex...

    2025-02-08 10
  • Angst


    /悬疑/惊悚/恐怖/情色/犯罪/英语/Wolfgang Büld/Fiona Horsey/Paul Conway

    Helen finds herself having intimacy problems with men. Her private parts are devouring all lovers and leaving her with an insatiable thirst for blood. In order to satisfy...

    2025-01-14 10
  • 邪恶季节


    /悬疑/犯罪/奇幻//Samuel Haun/E.K. Spila/Melissa Cordero/Paul Kolker

    Three detectives follow the trail of a copycat serial killer to an abandoned insane asylum, only to find they've been lured there by something far more sinister.

    2025-01-18 16
  • 苏西怎么了


    /悬疑/恐怖/英语/James Ersted/Dylan Nunez/Paul Parducci/Kira Omans/艾丽尔·哈德/Alain Mora/贝琪·贝克/妮可·安德鲁斯/Jenny Marie Mitchell/Liat Benezra/Ashley Whelan

    With the help of a documentary film crew a young locksmith investigates his sister's disappearance only to discover the terrifying truth.

    2025-02-09 10
  • Blunt


    /悬疑/惊悚//Anna Elizabeth James/艾米·斯马特/比利·赞恩/马修·戴维斯/格里尔·格拉默/波利斯·麦戈法/吉勒·马里尼/杰伊·阿里/马西·弗伦/尼欧

    2025-01-14 13
  • 还债



    萨塞克斯大学FIlmmaking MA的毕业作品
      全程使用sony A7S3拍摄 ...

    2024-12-22 13
  • Réquiem del 92

    [2018]Réquiem del 92[豆瓣0分]

    /悬疑/西班牙语/Alex Sequera/Annie Calarasi/克里斯蒂安·卡诺瓦斯/Marc Folch/Toni Lozano/David Magaña/Tina Mason

    Lost in a snowstorm, four friends were forced to abandon the fifth component of the group to their fate. A year later, he will regain his revenge.

    2024-12-14 10
  • 喀斯特迷雾


    Lost in Karst/悬疑//何金武/李振宇/郝明奇/龙泽治/杨薇


    2025-02-08 10
  • 埋めてくる




    2025-01-14 16
  • Faces of Death

    [2025]Faces of Death[豆瓣0分]


    A moderator on an internet video-sharing platform stumbles across a potential snuff film ring hidden in the depths of the site’s content. Are these gruesome videos merel...

    2024-12-08 10
  • The Cabinet in the Woods

    [2017]The Cabinet in the Woods[豆瓣0分]

    /悬疑/惊悚/恐怖/短片/奇幻//Andrew Schwarz/Lauren Dougherty/Ignacyo Matynia/Karen Sweeney

    A man searching for his lost dog in the woods stumbles upon something very bizarre.

    2025-01-29 10
  • Paranoid


    /悬疑/惊悚/恐怖/短片/英语/Jay Holben/

    2025-01-10 10
  • 消失的马修


    /悬疑/惊悚/恐怖/纪录片/英语/Markian Tarasiuk/Markian Tarasiuk/Jay Hindle/Christine Willes/Miranda MacDougall/Alec Willows/Joe Costa/Bernard Cuffling/Trevor Carroll/Danielle Klaudt/Ryan Alexander McDonald/Sebastian Kroon/Chris Cochrane/Susinn McFarlen/Olivia Hutt/Mitchell Reimer/Tara Nichols/Gabriela Jones/Pamela Hamilton


    2024-11-27 19
  • Jaime Maussan: Latest UFO Sightings and Close Encounters in Mexico

    [2009]Jaime Maussan: Latest UFO Sighting[豆瓣0分]

    /悬疑/纪录片/英语//Jaime Maussan

    2025-01-26 10
  • River of Ghosts

    [2024]River of Ghosts[豆瓣0分]

    /悬疑/惊悚/犯罪/英语/Jules East/Conner Floyd/Scot Cooper/Mimi Bommarito/Judy Cerda/Robert Fleet/Angelina Karo/Germaine Gaudet/David Hopmann/Evan Kaminsky

    A Stanford psychiatry student returns to his hometown to practice as a hypnotherapist in the small river town.

    2025-01-23 12
  • 心霊闇動画87




    2025-01-05 10
  • Problems on the Line

    [2018]Problems on the Line[豆瓣0分]

    /悬疑/短片//Philip Rabalais/Nate Logsdon

    A man makes a series of increasingly desperate phone calls but can he ever know who's on the line?

    2024-11-23 11
  • God's Truck

    [2024]God's Truck[豆瓣0分]

    /悬疑/短片/英语/David Biagini/Joe Griffenberg/Paris Maese/Don Novak

    2025-01-20 10
  • 真实身份


    嫌疑者的真相(台) / Faceless/悬疑/犯罪/日语/藤井道人/横滨流星/吉冈里帆/森本慎太郎/山田杏奈/山田孝之 Takayuki Yamada/前田公辉/田岛亮/远藤雄弥/宫崎优/森田甘路/西田尚美/山中崇/宇野祥平/骏河太郎/木野花/田中哲司/原日出子/松重丰


    2025-01-06 21
  • Bobby Alaska and Donny Breadsticks in Heaven

    [2016]Bobby Alaska and Donny Breadsticks[豆瓣0分]

    /悬疑/恐怖//Philip Rabalais/Ace Boothby/Joseph Mayfield/Dominic Rabalais

    Two men are locked in a quiet struggle through life and into the beyond.

    2025-01-02 12
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