• Luna Rosa: La 7ª ascensión de Atabey.

    [2025]Luna Rosa: La 7ª ascensión de At[豆瓣0分]

    Luna Rosa: La séptima ascención de Atabey / Luna Rosa: The Seventh Ascension of Atabey/科幻//Omar Rodríguez-López/Karent Hinestroza/Marc Nally/Waldo Facco

    A science-fiction, dystopian plot; anti-colonialist and feminist politics; a variety of details from indigenous religion and myth; a personal journey to one’s own past a...

    2025-02-12 10
  • Amityville Aliens

    [2025]Amityville Aliens[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/英语/Victor Bonacore/唐纳德·法默/罗恩·福特/Logan A. Hamby/Charles D. Lincoln/莫莉根·汤普森/Brian Wild/Dan Wilder/James Woolley/米丝蒂·蒙达伊/威尔·基南/唐纳德·法默/莫莉根·汤普森/Alaine Huntington/金伯莉·琳恩·可儿/罗恩·福特/Joey Traywick/Curtis Everitt/Lovari/Mary Rudolf/Leo Zemke/Travis Picard

    2025-01-18 11
  • 生日礼物


    Birthday Blowout/科幻/短片/韩语/정재훈/安敏永/李孝制

    아들의 21번째 생일날, 엄마는 생일상을 차려 놓고 아들을 방에서 나오게 하려 설득한다. 하지만 아들은 오늘 어차피 운석이 떨어져 다 죽는 날 이라며 나가기를 거부하고, 둘은 문 ...

    2025-02-12 10
  • 银河健康中心-2SET-




    2025-01-21 12
  • It's Okay

    [2020]It's Okay[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/英语/Justin Giddings/Ryan Patrick Welsh/Audrey Flegel/Stephen Laferriere/Rebekah Walendzak/Heather Ensley-Bruce


    2025-01-04 13
  • Ulagam Sutrum Valiban

    [1973]Ulagam Sutrum Valiban[豆瓣0分]

    Globetrotting Youngster/科幻/泰米尔语 Tamil/M. G. Ramachandran/M. G. Ramachandran

    A scientist invents a formula to harness energy from lightning. Another corrupt scientist wants to steal his invention and sell it to foreign countries. So he kidnaps the...

    2025-02-03 10
  • 颅内花园




    2025-01-11 11
  • ノストラダムス戦慄の啓示


    /科幻/日语/Yumiko Awaya/

    2024-12-24 10
  • 直到世界的尽头


    Happy Ending(英)/科幻/悬疑/家庭/汉语普通话/王越洋/


    2025-02-01 11
  • Anomaliya (1993)

    [1993]Anomaliya (1993)[豆瓣0分]


    2025-01-09 11
  • El Cinturón de Olivia

    [2025]El Cinturón de Olivia[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻//Jeremías Magnaghi Rudy/Agustina Cabo/Carolina Kopelioff/Manuel Ramos

    A young Astrophysicist is forced to go out with her estranged best friends, on the night of an astronomical event that throws them into parallel universes.

    2024-12-23 12
  • Proibito baciare

    [2000]Proibito baciare[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/意大利语/Nicola Di Francescantonio/

    2025-02-12 10
  • Mute


    /科幻/短片/英语/Wesley Wang/Kat Tramantano/Mark Shock/Kathryn Milewski/Gabrielle DuBrul/Alessandro Altobelli

    In a world where words cost money, a woman saves up for her first word in the hope of standing up to her abuser.

    2025-01-21 10
  • OKAY


    The Hive/科幻/短片//Jessica Makinson/

    In a climate-change-scarred Los Angeles, 25 years from now, a renegade in her 60's, must defend herself against an intruder, the tragedy leads her to seek refuge in The H...

    2025-01-04 10
  • The Last Man

    [2026]The Last Man[豆瓣0分]


    尽管剧情细节仍处于保密状态,但这部电影被描述为“后世界末日”,可能与Snoop Dogg 2009 年的歌曲《Last Man Standing》有关。该片将于 2025 年初开拍。

    2024-12-15 10
  • Alien Chronicles: USOs and Under Water Alien Bases

    [2022]Alien Chronicles: USOs and Under W[豆瓣0分]


    USOs are repeatedly seen in our oceans, lakes and seas. The military has documented several undersea encounters and are baffled by their capability to speed through the w...

    2025-02-12 10
  • Belushi's Toilet

    [2018]Belushi's Toilet[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻//Andrew Wright/

    In the not so distant future, the war on drugs is considered a failure. Prohibition has ended. A group of friends risk their relationships and sanity, to create the perfe...

    2025-02-12 10
  • 哆啦A梦生日SP:铜锣烧消失的一天



    2025-01-20 10
  • Aitxitxe



    2025-01-19 11
  • The 13th Mirror

    [2011]The 13th Mirror[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/惊悚/短片/奇幻/英语/Mono Ghose/詹姆斯·弗林/科里·彼得森/格雷厄姆·阿什利/John Hinton/Elio González

    2025-01-03 10
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